Need help writing your Mother's Day message?

Simple Messages for Mom

  • Raising me took patience. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

  • Mom, you sacrificed so much in order for me to become the person I am today. I want you to know that I recognize that, and I'm grateful.

  • I'm sorry I drove you nuts, but you should know that I only do that to the people I love the most.

  • Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Every day I'm thankful that you're mine!

Funny Messages for Mom

  • Happy Mother's Day from your favorite child (It's okay, I haven't told the others)!

  • Thanks for never sharing those embarrassing bathtime pictures. You're the real MVP for that one!

  • I propose a deal this Mother's Day - I promise to visit more often if you promise to stop asking for grandchildren.

  • Mom, thanks for giving me your sense of humor because Dad's jokes are pretty lame (Don't tell him, though, because I laugh to stay in the Will)!


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